Friday, August 21, 2009

Boiling it down..

Most average people like me care about their fellow person, and would truly like to see everyone taken care of if they are truly sick or hurt. This is a given. I have extreme hatred for the politicians who i feel have taken advantage of the good and kind nature of the American people by using a supposed plan to take care of everyone as a vehicle to control our lives and monitor what we do. They move us into more of a "nanny state" by playing on our fears for our own health and the health of our fellow man, all the while using this shell game to keep our eyes off the real issues.
Were you aware there is a "pay czar"? This man, Kenneth Feinberg, was never elected to any office, yet he has the power to tell someone that they make too much money. Think of doctors, anyone who has taken college classes knows how expensive it is. Doctors expenses are far greater than the average college graduate. Many of these expenses are in loans that have to be paid back over years and years of hard work. And despite the demonizing of doctors by the left, saying that they perform "unnecessary surgeries" and do all sorts of other money-gouging tests on unsuspecting patients, does anyone remember groups like Doctors without Borders, or have seen doctors doing services well beyond the 9-5 hours that many other jobs require? These people are the cream of the crop of the worlds physicians, and as i have stated before, when you need serious medical care, the USA is where you go. Not France. Not Italy. Not the U.K. And certainly not Canada. So knowing all this, let me show you a possible general future situation:
The USA passes a Universal, "public option", Health Care bill.
Private Insurers, who actually have to PAY taxes and stockholders, collapse and are gone.
The pay czar dictates that doctors are paid too much for the system to bear, and cap the pay they may receive no matter what type of service they provide.
Doctors leave the USA -or- stop practicing medicine -and/or- fewer and fewer new doctors come out of college, because of all the paperwork, oversight, and no incentive for success
Some would say that this is an impossible future, why, just look at the NHS in the U.K., or the vaunted French system. I do not believe that either of those systems encompass the vast amount of people that our system will cover. The French and U.K. systems are already under serious criticism by their populace, and in France there is a private co-pay system in place because the costs are just too high for the government alone.
In conclusion, I know this has been long winded for a boildown, but if you want to see the real wizard behind the curtain, please look at my previous columns, because the true end result of this has NOTHING to do with Health, and everything to do with controlling your life. Because Liberals do not think you are smart enough to do that without them.

1 comment:

  1. "the true end result of this has NOTHING to do with Health, and everything to do with controlling your life. Because Liberals do not think you are smart enough to do that without them."

    That is the boiled down point right there. JP, you're write ups are always well thought out and well worded. I'm with you brother. Keep up the good fight.
